Online Training in the Chuck Norris System
Have you ever wanted to learn the martial arts, but never took the steps to start the life-changing journey? Maybe you don't have a quality school nearby or maybe you are too nervous to walk through the doors. Maybe you already have some martial arts training but you always wanted to learn the Chuck Norris System ... but there is no UFAF Charter School in your area. We've got the answer for you.
We have put together an online training program that allows people of any age to train from the privacy of their homes. Learn all the traditional skills that are part of the Chuck Norris System, even if you cannot get to a UFAF charter school.
Rather than using a per belt training method, our curriculum is broken into sections (beginner, intermediate, advanced, and black belt) which can be more beneficial to people who have prior martial arts experience. Instead of the techniques being solely tied to a particular belt rank, they are released in larger chunks by skill level. You train at your own pace, then each higher level of the curriculum will be unlocked to you after you successfully pass an evaluation of the prior level.
You will need internet access to view our videos, a partner to assist with the self-defense skills and striking, and the ability to submit videos of your training in order to complete this course. The basic cost for pre-recorded video training is $50 per month plus evaluation fees. Many of our online students add private lessons through Zoom to supplement their training, so we have programs that include that option as well.
Evaluations will take more than simply time in grade or a certain number of repetitions to pass. Students must be able to demonstrate techniques properly and our instructors will be looking for 8 key ingredients:
1 - Posture
2- Lines of Power
3 - Methods of Generating Power
4 - Footwork
5 - Timing
6 - Sequencing
7 - Focus
8 - Mental and Emotional Activation
Students will be given a list of skills that must be videoed and sent to the instructor. This 'pre-test' will help ensure students are indeed prepared for the official evaluation.
When the pre-test skills have been evaluated and the instructor feels the skill is adequate for the level, the student will pay a $30 evaluation fee. When the fee has been paid, a private test via Zoom will be arranged, or the student will be given a link to an audio file. The student will then video him/herself following along with the instructions on the audio file. This video will need to be uploaded to YouTube as "unlisted" then sent to the instructor. The video will be evaluated and the student will be given a pass or fail and feedback for continuous improvement.
When you register for the membership, you will be given a password and link to access the level of videos. Or you can download Dunamis Karate App from Itunes or Google Play and enter our school code - 29936 - and access the videos using the same passwords.
Online Students will also need to become members of the United Fighting Arts Federation, which is the organization that certifies our Black Belts. As students of Dunamis Karate under Mrs. Lindy Woods, your progress will be sanctioned by UFAF and when you reach Black Belt, your certificate will be signed by Mr. Chuck Norris himself! The UFAF membership is available by yearly or monthly payments. Visit for more information. When registering your school should be Dunamis Karate, instructor Lindy Woods in Region 7.
Want a sample? Watch some of the skills taught at various levels in our program. The password to access the videos is FREE - click here!
Still have questions? Feel free to call and speak directly to Mrs. Lindy Woods - (843) 226-0889!
See a Sample of our Online Training by clicking this link - The password is FREE
These are some pictures illustrating how we work with our online members.
We use slow motion to capture images and/or videos from students' video submissions then mark them up and use audio feedback to give detail instructions for improving the skills.